Tuesday, December 30, 2008

What if I Give All?

I use to hear this song on the radio all the time. Then they stopped playing it for some reason. Well I always remebered the chorus but could not remeber the verses:

What if I give all?

What will that do?

My child a gift like that could change the world,

Could feed the multitudes.

He didn't close his eyes or turn away

I could see him standing tall

What if I give all?

That was all I could remeber and even just that line is so powerful; What if I give all?

What if I did give all? How would that change the world and would it chang my outlook on people? I don't have an answer yet, but I am praying that God will change my heart so if I do need to give all I will not hold anything back.

Here is the song I found it on YouTube:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sweet post Steph, luv U,