Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Well Long Time No Type. =)

Hi Everyone!!! You all probably thought I fell off the face of the Earth..well not yet I'm still here.
To do a little recap on my life since....well whenever it was i last posted something. I worked all summer at an older friends house doing WHATEVER! And thats no understatement. =) They live on a little farm with a few animals, and I've done everything from feeding animals to building fence to helping build thier solar efficient shop. I also helped plant, weed, harvest, and put up her garden. Lots of hard, tiring work..but I enjoy it. (Most of the time) :-)
I'm now done for the winter. Which I'm very glad of as I now get to be at home. My parents are glad to even though my Mom still thinks I should be working only as I'm very low on cash. But thats life.
The most exciting thing that has happened to my in the last month is that I totaled my parents big 15 passenger van. Maybe exciting isn't the right word...try terrifiying, scary, unnerving, or just plain...well you see what I mean. Here's what happened...I was just running to town on an errand with my little brother Peter..I had gotten a text on my phone and was answering it (which i had done before but will never do again!!) I was on a back road and knew there was a curve coming up looked back down at my phone and next thing I knew I was going faster than I thought and Peter called out my name and I looked up and went thru the curve and hit a telephone pole. When we got out, the pole was knocked forward, and the wires were on fire..well anyways pete got a mark on the side of his face where the airbag hit him, and I just had some bad bruises and a slight whiplash. Then we found that the van was totaled and we now have a suburban. That was the most exciting thing that I can remember.
There's an update on most of my life since the spring. I'll try to keep posting as I'm home now.