Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Well Long Time No Type. =)

Hi Everyone!!! You all probably thought I fell off the face of the Earth..well not yet I'm still here.
To do a little recap on my life since....well whenever it was i last posted something. I worked all summer at an older friends house doing WHATEVER! And thats no understatement. =) They live on a little farm with a few animals, and I've done everything from feeding animals to building fence to helping build thier solar efficient shop. I also helped plant, weed, harvest, and put up her garden. Lots of hard, tiring work..but I enjoy it. (Most of the time) :-)
I'm now done for the winter. Which I'm very glad of as I now get to be at home. My parents are glad to even though my Mom still thinks I should be working only as I'm very low on cash. But thats life.
The most exciting thing that has happened to my in the last month is that I totaled my parents big 15 passenger van. Maybe exciting isn't the right word...try terrifiying, scary, unnerving, or just plain...well you see what I mean. Here's what happened...I was just running to town on an errand with my little brother Peter..I had gotten a text on my phone and was answering it (which i had done before but will never do again!!) I was on a back road and knew there was a curve coming up looked back down at my phone and next thing I knew I was going faster than I thought and Peter called out my name and I looked up and went thru the curve and hit a telephone pole. When we got out, the pole was knocked forward, and the wires were on fire..well anyways pete got a mark on the side of his face where the airbag hit him, and I just had some bad bruises and a slight whiplash. Then we found that the van was totaled and we now have a suburban. That was the most exciting thing that I can remember.
There's an update on most of my life since the spring. I'll try to keep posting as I'm home now.


The Von Eight said...


uh, you certainly have an exciting life! totaling the van!!! Wow.

Missing you AND your posts... not like we do much better though - lol!

Sunshine said...

LOL!!! I miss you all too!! Hows everything there??

Erica said...

Hey Stephanie! It's nice to hear from you! I hope you keep blogging cause it's awesome to know what's going on with you and your family!

In case you didn't know, I have a different blog now. It's

Rebecca said...

I just felt sick when I heard about your accident. :( I've been in a few accidents and I know what a horrible feeling it is! SO SO SO glad you and Peter are both ok! See you soon??

Sunshine said...

Hey Erica!! no I didn't know you had a different blog I'll be sure to check that out! :)

Yes Becca hopefully see you soon!! =)