Friday, February 6, 2009

Its my Birthday!!

I can't believe its my birthday today!! I didn't think I would make it this far. 19 WOW! I shal just have to see what the Lord has in store for me this year. My Dad asked me the other day if I thought I would where I'm at to day a year ago. Honestly no. I never thought I would have worked at two restaurants and than for a friend, doing alot of outside work. But through all of that I believe I have grown up some and became a little more sure of myself. 19..I'm a little scared! :-)


Abutton said...

Happy Birthday, Stephanie! It was nice to see you last weekend, and I'm looking forward to spending a bit more time together next weekend!

The Von Eight said...

A very happy birthday to you! I miss you a lot... and can't wait to see you sometime hopefully soon???


Leah said...

Happy Birthday!
